Suitable fabric evenly coated with self-adhesive mass containing diclofenac 200 mg.xvideospornfreexvideospornfree.netxvideospornfree
Description :
Suitable fabric evenly coated with self-adhesive mass containing diclofenac 200 mg.
Application :
- Relieve all type of pain, sprains, strain, muscular spasm, etc
- Can be applied anywhere on the body
Features :
- No gastric irritation as in case of using diclofenac tablet
- Specially formulated to provide sustained, long-lasting pain
relief - Effect can be stopped at any time just by removing the patch
Diclofenac Transdermal Patch Manufacturers
Diclofenac Transdermal patch consists of a suitable substrate coated with self adhesive mass containing Diclofenac 200mg in 75cm2 or 100mg in 50cm2.
Dr. Sabharwal’s Panther Plast 200 Diclofenac Transdermal patch can be applied anywhere on the body and relieves pain by systemic action of Diclofenac. It relives all types of pain, strain, sprains and muscular spasms.
It has an added advantage as it has a non-messy application and does not cause gastric irritation which occurs after Diclofenac tablet administration.
Dr. Sabharwal’s is amongst the most reputable Diclofenac Transdermal patch manufacturers in India.
For More Information Contact US:
- buyers@drsabharwal.in
- +919056770088
- #1019, sector 27 B, Chandigarh (INDIA)